MDHHS 2016 Effort to Define a Future Michigan Mental Health System
Section 298 of the Michigan budget proposed in February, 2016, would have enabled the transfer of funding from the current mental health system to HMOs--privatization of mental health services. This received major public opposition and was withdrawn.
Liutenant Governor Calley organized a 298 Stakeholdes committee (grew to about 120 people with many advocates) that met in several sessions ending in June. That committee developed values, what is currently good and bad and recommendations for features of a future system. This initiative influenced a revised Section 298 that calls for MDHHS to present a proposal for system changes to the legislature in January, 2017. Information on this effort can be found at Section 298 Initiative Documents from that committee may no longer be available on the MDHHS web site.
Then MDHHS announced a new committee of 4 MDHHS managers to develop a propoasl. A strong push by advocates led to the formation of a "Section 298 Facilitation Work Group, composed of representatives of selected stakeholder organizations. That work group participated in the development and analysis of public input to the MDHHS initiative. Public input started with forums held acoss the state for three "Affinity Group" communities--consumers and families, providers and payers.
MDHHS issued an "interim draft" document in December that presents the MDHHS summary of recommendations that emerged from Affinity Group sessions for public comment. The document does not present a MDHHS proposal, it presents a summary of the Affinity groups comments. A revised draft was presented to the legislature January 15, 2017, that presents essentially the same results but with more history and plans.
Since then, MDHHS accepted proposals until February 4, 2017. The proposals were required to take the form of questions from MDHHS, so the model descriptions are fragmented. The proposal documents were published by MDHHS in a 507-page document on February 16. with a public hearing scheduled for February 24, in Lansing. Our proposal is number 2, a proposal by some of the advocates who sre members of the MDHHS work group submitted number 1. A proposal by Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority, Macomb County Community Mental Health and Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority is number 27.
On March 15, 2017, a final MDHHS report was presented to the legislature.
Consideration of this system transformation was terminated after Gretchen Witmer became Governor.
See the proposal for "Public Mental Health System 2.0, above.
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